Welcome to the Data-Driven Decision Making Lab (D3M)
We research fundamental techniques and methodology from the fields of (Generative) AI, Machine Learning, Recommendation, and Information Retrieval to transform rich sources of data into optimal and actionable decisions.
Research Areas:
Machine Learning and Large-scale Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Information Retrieval, Social Media, Recommender Systems, Sequential Decision Optimization, Operations Research, Smart Cities Applications.
Lab News:
- Jan 15, 2024: D3M presented a AAAI-24 Lab and Tutorial on the Python PyRDDLGym rewrite of the RDDL MDP modeling software stack that includes the state-of-the-art JaxPlan solver for planning via autodifferentiation.
- Aug 3, 2023: Check out our pure LLM-based conversational recommendation system LLM-ConvRec including a Colab demo for restaurant recommendation that provides a fluent and review-informed interactive experience.
- Jan 9, 2023: Check out an outstanding summary overview of our IPM 2023 article on Unintended Bias in Language Model-driven Conversational Recommendation written by D3M MASc graduate Tianshu (Tina) Shen.
- June 17, 2020: Congratulations to D3M MASc student Zheda (Marco) Mai who won 1st place in the CVPR 2020 CLVISION Challenge with his entry Batch-level Experience Replay with Review.
- Feb 28, 2020: Professor Sanner has received a Google Faculty Research Award in Machine Learning and Data Mining to pursue research on Deep Conversational Recommender Systems.
- May 25, 2018: Zhijiang (Tony) Ye’s paper with Buser Say entitled Symbolic Bucket Elimination for Piecewise Continuous Constrained Optimization has received the Student Paper Award at CPAIOR-18.
- June 28, 2017: Professors Scott Sanner and William O’Brien (Carleton) and D3M student Brent Huchuk have been awarded an NSERC CRD to pursue research on machine learning for residential HVAC with Ecobee, Inc.
- Dec 29, 2016: Iain Guilliard has won the 2016 Kikuchi-Karlaftis Best Paper Award of the Transport Research Board for his paper A Non-homogeneous Time Mixed Integer LP Formulation for Traffic Signal Control (video).